The client would like a silent (unattended) install, which can:
- silently install / configure TimeXtender (including services, ODX Server) without user interaction
- automatically configure license and server settings.
- add parameters to add license key, etc. to the .msi install.
Silent (unattended) install is not something we support with a "How To" procedure. However, if the partner has enough expertise on .msi parameters and setup scripts, it may be possible for them to explore and automate.
First-time install of TimeXtender requires manual steps on each installation. Please review the "Getting Started" section
Upgrade also involves manual steps after .msi install
Compared to the manual steps outlined in above articles, the attended .msi install of TimeXtender is usually very quick.
However, if you want to run TimeXtender from command line (after install), or remote execution of a TX project without installing complete software - check out the following articles:
How to Start an Execution Package from the Command Line