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Notifications on Critical Errors

Notifications on Critical Errors

The ODX is designed to run on a server without user interaction. Once your data sources have been set up and tasks scheduled, data flows from sources to data storage automatically. As long as your data sources stay the same and do not change, there is little reason to open the management interface.

However, this also means that if errors occur, it might take longer before you notice that something is wrong. For this reason, you can set up email notifications to be send out when a critical error occurs. And should you open the management interface when a critical error has happened, it is very visible.

The following is treated as a critical error:

  • The ODX cannot connect to the cloud repository
  • The ODX cannot connect to the data storage
  • The client secret the ODX tries to connect with is invalid

Adding an Email Notification For Critical Errors

To set up the ODX to send an email when a critical error occurs, follow the steps below.

  1. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the ODX and click Notifications on Critical Errors.
  2. Select Notify by email when a critical error occurs and enter the recipients in the Recipients box. Separate recipients with a semicolon.
  3. Enter a Name for the notification and select the Type of notification you want to create. You have the following options:
  4. Enter the information for the SMTP server you want to use under the Server name
    • Since October 1st, 2022 Microsoft has ended basic authentication on email on online SMTP servers. To deal with this you need to add an Application ID from an app created for this and the Tenant ID for your company. The app you use needs the following permissions.
      • You need the three options, (Mail.Send, SMTP.Send and User.Read) set on your app

      • You need a Admin to grant consent for the three settings.

      • The user account you add as the From Email and the User name needs to run without Multi-factor Authentication.

    • If you use GMail to authenticate, it is not possible to use email and an std password anymore. Here you need to turn on 2-step authentication for your email account and then use the App Password in the password field.
  • Click Test Notification to test if the email server settings are working.
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  • 0
    Jon Catt

    Morning Team

    Can this function be extended to send a notification when the critical issue has cleared following the initial failure?  ie, up/down message, instead of only down?



  • 0
    Ramon Villanueva

    I'm using the same configuration in:

    I receive the email, but here:


    What's happen?

  • 0
    Thomas Hjermitslev

    Hi Ramon, 

    I can see that you use a different server name in the Critical Errors window - smtp.google.com - could that be the issue?

    In any case, that's not a very informative error message, maybe we should look into that.


  • 0
    Ramon Villanueva

    I've tried with the same server name and the problem persists.

    As you can see in the screenshots the "Test Notification" works in the "Notifications area" and doesn't in the "Notifications on critical Errors area".

  • 0
    Thomas Lind

    Hi Ramon
    I have a short mention of what you need to do in this guide.


    You need to add an App Password.

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