To configure the Incremental loading of Multidimensional Cubes do the following:
- Ensure the destination SQL Server is an Edition that supports Table Partitions
- Configure Table Partitioning on the Cubes source (Data Warehouse Fact Table)
- Edit the cube and select Incremental Load.
Once configured, Incremental loading of the Cube is handled in the following way:
Loop over cube partitions. Based on the DW_PartionKey, search the physical partitions for a partition that matches the cube partition.
If no matching partition is found, process the cube partition to be sure it has been processed.
If a matching partition is found, compare the max value of the DW_TimeStamp for the physical partition with the last updated timestamp for the cube partition. If the DW_TimeStamp value is greater than the last processed timestamp for the cube partition, process the cube partition.