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How To Configure Incremental Load of Multidimensional Cubes

To configure the Incremental loading of Multidimensional Cubes do the following: 

  1. Ensure the destination SQL Server is an Edition that supports Table Partitions
  2. Configure Table Partitioning on the Cubes source (Data Warehouse Fact Table)
  3. Edit the cube and select Incremental Load. 


Once configured, Incremental loading of the Cube is handled in the following way:

Loop over cube partitions. Based on the DW_PartionKey, search the physical partitions for a partition that matches the cube partition.

If no matching partition is found, process the cube partition to be sure it has been processed.

If a matching partition is found, compare the max value of the DW_TimeStamp for the physical partition with the last updated timestamp for the cube partition. If the DW_TimeStamp value is greater than the last processed timestamp for the cube partition, process the cube partition.


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    CalmCo Support

    Does this also work when offline processing is enabled?

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