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How to do a scripted periodical full Load on Incremental

It is no longer necessary to run this script. We have added a feature in the execution package, to full load specified tables. You just add a new execution package and add the incremental load tables you want to fully load.


If you still want to use the old script, it is described below.

If you want to do a periodical full load of all tables in a database, the script below will trigger it when executed. 

You add the script as a Script Action. Right click on a business unit, go to Advanced and select Set Pre and Post Scripts. Then you can select the script in the pre section (first dropdown). This will execute the script before the business unit is executed.

IF DATEPART(dw,GETDATE())= 7 -- 7 is Saturday, 1 is Sunday
 SET @sql = 'DECLARE @tblName varchar(128), @sqlInline nvarchar(2000), @postFix varchar(2)

 SET @postFix = ''_V''

 SET @tblName = ''?''

 IF @tblName LIKE ''%_INCR]''
  SET @sqlInline = ''TRUNCATE TABLE '' + @tblName + '';

   TRUNCATE TABLE '' + SUBSTRING(@tblName, 1, LEN(@tblName)-6) + @postFix + '']''
  EXEC sp_executesql @sqlInline
 EXEC sp_MSForEachTable @command1 = @sql


The script works for NAV Adapters. If you want to use this for a normal data source, you must replace %_INCR] with %_I]

If the script is used for other data sources than NAV, you should also change the parameter from 6 to 3 in the LEN-part so the entire line reads as follows:

TRUNCATE TABLE '' + SUBSTRING(@tblName, 1, LEN(@tblName)-3) + @postFix + '']''

This article applies to: timeXtender 4.5, tX2012, TX2014.

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  • 0
    Steffen Eriksen

    Are you able to give an exact example - if you for instance have these 2 tables where you have used incremental load: NAV_dbo_Sales Invoice Line_?, NAV_dbo_Purchase Invoice Line_?

  • 0
    Permanently deleted user

    The script will truncate the _V and _INCR table for any table with source based incremental load enabled. 

    If you want a specific table full loaded and not all, then you can simply truncate the Valid table and Incremental table for that particular table.



    Truncate Table [NAV_dbo_Sales Invoice Line_V]


    Truncate Table [NAV_dbo_Sales Invoice Line_INCR]


  • 0
    Permanently deleted user

    The script would often be run in a IF scope to make a full load on certain days, for example:

    IF DATEPART(dw,GETDATE())= 7 -- 7 is Saturday, 1 is Sunday


    -- Your Truncation Script here


    Change the datepart parameter to match your requirements, ie hh for hours (See more paramters here:  http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms174420.aspx )

  • 0
    Steffen Eriksen

    Hi Thomas

    Thank you much for the explanation - will give it a try :)

  • 0
    Morten Søndergaard

    Where will i put this script?

    • Stored Procedures

    • User defined functions

    • Script Actions

  • 0
    Permanently deleted user

    You add the script as a Script Action, then you right click the business unit, go to Advanced and select Set Pre and Post Scripts. Then you can select the script in the pre section (first dropdown). This will execute the script before the business unit is executed.

  • 0
    Morten Søndergaard

    Perfect! Thanks.

  • 0
    Morten Søndergaard

    I the script is used for other datasources than NAV, the remember to correct the parameter from 6 to 3 in the LEN-part:

    TRUNCATE TABLE '' + SUBSTRING(@tblName, 1, LEN(@tblName)-3) + @postFix + '']''

  • 0
    Permanently deleted user

    Thank you very much for this addition, I have included it in the original post above.

  • 0
    Bas Bruil

    To make sure that Sunday = 1, so this line will work as expected:

    DATEPART(dw,GETDATE())= 7 -- 7 is Saturday, 1 is Sunday


    I think you should start the script with:   SET DATEFIRST 7 (where 7 is a Sunday)

    Otherwise you might end up performing full loads on other days then expected.. 


  • 0
    Teddy N. Jørgensen

    I have some tables where above sript are running and it works fine, but If you would like to make the full load only once per month, for example the last day of the month, how would it then have to look like? 

  • 0
    Morten Søndergaard

    The tricky part must be finding the last day of the month.

    Pinal Dave has the answer :

    h ttp://blog.sqlauthority.com/2007/08/18/sql-server-find-last-day-of-any-month-current-previous-next/

  • 0
    Permanently deleted user



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