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Signing In for the first Time

Before you can sign in to the Portal, your account needs to be created by your TimeXtender partner or TimeXtender. Partners should request access from their assigned Solution Specialist or by submitting a support ticket.

  1. When your account has been created, you should receive an e-mail from portal@timextender.com – please check your spam filter if you think you should have received it, but can’t find it. The content should look something like this:


  2. Click the link in the e-mail. This will open a page at our authentication provider where you can enter the password you want to use to sign in. 

    Once you are signed in, you can add the option to sign-in with Microsoft or Google account-in - see below.
  3. When you have chosen a password, you will be redirected to the front page of the Portal. Sign in with your newly created password.

Signing in with Microsoft or Google

We recommend that you link your Portal account with your Microsoft or Google account instead of having to remember yet another password. Follow the steps below to do that.

  1. Click your name in the top-right corner of the page and then click Profile and Preferences.
  2. Under Sign-In, click Add Google Account or Add Microsoft Account and follow the directions. You will have to give the Portal permission to access your basic information for the sign-in to work.
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