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Configure the Scheduler Service

During the installation of TimeXtender, a service is installed on the local machine called "TimeXtender Scheduler". This service initiates scheduled execution packages that handle the recurring updates of database tables and semantic models in TimeXtender. 

IMPORTANT! The TimeXtender Scheduler Service should be installed and configured on the Application Server, NOT your client machine.

Create the Service Account used to run the Scheduler Service

This service will run during the specified schedule to update the tables and semantic models, similar to how a user might execute stored procedures in SQL Server. In this way, the user account configured to run the service will require sufficient user rights within the SQL server to read and write to these tables. So the service must be configured to "Log On As" a user account with the sufficient user rights.  We recommend using a Service Account for this purpose which should be created when you Configure User Accounts & Permissions.

Assign the Service Account to a Project Repository

To successfully run execution packages, the Service Account must access the metadata stored in the TimeXtender project repository. The steps below explain how to link the service account with the correct project repository database.

  1. Log into windows using the service account that will be used to run the scheduler service and launch TimeXtender. Alternatively, you can navigate to the timextender.exe application file in the TimeXtender installation directory and press Shift+Right-Click and choose Run as different user.
  2. mceclip0.png

  3. Enter the credentials for the Service Account and click OK. This will run the TimeXtender application as the Service Account user.


  4. TimeXtender will ask you to enter the SQL Server and Database name for the project repository. Enter the server and database for the repository you want to associate with the scheduler service. Click OK/Next to confirm your settings. 


  5. Close the instance of TimeXtender running as the Service Account.


Configure the Service

  1. Open TimeXtender from the start menu.
  2. In the Tools menu of TimeXtender, click on Windows service Setup.


  3. If upgrading from a previous version of TimeXtender, Stop & Disable previous versions of the service.

    1. mceclip3.png
    2. Find the previous version of the service that's running, Right click > Stop (Service). Then, Right-click > Edit Service , set "Startup type" = Disabled. This will stop and disable the previous version of the service.
  4. Find the current version of the TimeXtender Scheduler service in the list. Right-Click > Edit Service , set "Startup type" =  Automatic or Automatic Delayed


  5. In the above dialog box, for Username and Password, enter the credentials for the service account. Click Update and you should receive a confirmation if the credentials were accepted. 


  6. Right-Click the scheduler service > Start Service.


  7. If the configuration was done correctly, the service should start and show "Running"

Configure Auto-restart of the Service (Optional)

  1. Open the Services dialog in Windows. 


  2. Right-click the TimeXtender Scheduler <current version> service and select "Properties".
  3. On the Recovery tab, the First failure and subsequent failures should be set to "Restart the service".


Scheduler Service Troubleshooting

  1. If you receive a message that the service started and then stopped the most common reasons are listed below:
    1. The Service Account has not been properly assigned to the project repository. Please go back to this section and follow the steps. 
    2. The Service Account does not have the necessary permissions in SQL Server. Please review the article Configure User Accounts & Permissions and ensure the Service Account is either SysAdmin or dbOwner on the Project Repository database. Alternatively, you can use SQL authentication when connecting to the repository from TimeXtender, as long as that SQL user has the permissions mentioned above. 
  2. If you have started the service, but scheduled executions result in errors regarding the wrong repository, It could be that the old version of the service is still running. 
    1. Find the previous version of the service that's running
      1. Right click > Stop (Service).
      2. Then, Right-click > Edit Service , set "Startup type" = Disabled. This will stop and disable the previous version of the service.
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  • 0
    René Imthorn

    How to remove the old services?

  • 0
    Joseph Treadwell

    Hi @Rene,

    When you uninstall a previous version it will also remove the services of the same version. 

  • 1
    René Imthorn

    Hi Joseph,

    I did, but they were still there.

    I managed with the cmd: "sc delete <service name>" 

  • 0
    Joseph Treadwell

    That is strange, typically this removes all related services as well. Glad to know there is a workaround. Thanks for sharing!

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