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Error: Unable to update the provider. The provider is currently locked by the application

If you get the following error when you attempt to update your CData providers.

Unable to update the provider. 
The provider is currently locked by the application.


Unable to update the provider. ...
Module: timeXtender
at TimeXtender.DataManager.CDataComponentInstallHelper.UninstallComponent(DataSourceComponentModel dataSourceComponentModel, Boolean isUpdate)
at TimeXtender.DataManager.ManageCDataDataSourceProvidersCommand.UninstallProvider(Form parentWindow, CDataComponentModelWrapper componentModelWrapper, Boolean isUpdate)

It may be because you have more than one running environment on the same server and the others are blocking for the update.

The following is a method to resolve the above issue.

Original install folder:  C:\ProgramData\TimeXtender\TimeXtender\CData Components

Change the component path folder you are looking at, then add (download and install) all the providers to this new folder.

If successful, close TX down on the server, rename the old folder to CData Components_OLD, go to the folder you just added and rename it to CData Components.

If successful, open TX, go to the menu and point at the CData Components folder again.

C:\ProgramData\TimeXtender\TimeXtender\CData Components

If successful, edit one of the CData data sources in your project and verify that it points at the correct version and that all provider types are present.

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