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Salesforce Adapter

Salesforce Adapter

The Salesforce application adapter enables you to extract data stored in your Salesforce Sales Cloud CRM. You will need an edition of Salesforce Sales Cloud that enables the use of the Salesforce AP. At the time of writing, this means at least the Enterprise edition.

The adapter uses the Salesforce REST API to extract data. The data types of the extracted data is converted from Salesforce data types to their SQL Server equivalents.

Adding a Salesforce Adapter

To connect to a Salesforce data source using the application adapter, follow the steps below.

  1. Open a business unit, right click Data Sources, click Adapter Data Sources and then click Add Salesforce Adapter. The Add Salesforce Adapter window opens.

  2. Type the name you want to use for the adapter in the Name box.
  3. Enter your Username, Password and Token. The token is provided by Salesforce and will change if the password is changed. Salesforce can be configured not to use security tokens. In that case, simply leave Token empty.
  4. In the API Version list, click the Salesforce API version you want to use. Usually, you should use the newest version. However, if Salesforce makes changes in the API that breaks the adapter, you have the option of using an earlier version.
  5. (Optional) Enter a Custom URL if you want to connect to your Salesforce sandbox instead of the default URL. The Resolved URL box shows you the entire URL the adapter will use to connect.
  6. In the Connection Timeout box, type or select the number of seconds to wait for a connection to be established.
  7. In the Batch size box, type or select the number of records to fetch in each request. Bigger batches uses more memory.
  8. In the Table request limit box, type or select the maximum number of HTTP requests you want to allow per table.
  9. Select Use label as name to use labels as names instead of the physical system names.
  10. Select Unicode to make string based fields Unicode ready.
  11. If you need to connect through a proxy server, you have the following options:
    1. Don't use proxy
    2. Use application proxy settings: Use the proxy settings configured on the application level. To adjust the application settings, click Options on the Tools menu and then click Proxy Settings. Note that using a proxy server for Internet connections can also be turned on and off from here.
    3. Use these settings: Enter the settings - server, port, username and password - to use for the adapter.
  12. (Optional) Click Test Connection to verify that your settings are correct.
  13. Click OK to add the adapter data source.
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