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Custom Data Source

Custom Data Source

The Custom Data Source works in conjunction with a separate provider - or driver - to enable access to data sources that are not supported by the core TimeXtender product.

Adding a Custom Data Source

The setup for a Custom Data Source depends on the provider you are using. While the general steps to add a Custom Data Source is explained below, you should consult the documentation for the provider to learn more about the specific settings.

To add a custom data source, follow the steps below.

  1. Open a business unit, right click Data Sources, click Data Sources and then click Add Custom Data Source The Add Custom Data Source window appears.
  2. In the Name box, type a name for the data source.
  3. In the Provider list, click the provider you want to use.
  4. In the Setup Property list, click the property you want to edit. Go through all properties in the list and edit the settings for the connection in the property list below.
  5. Click Test Connection to verify that the connection is working.
  6. Click OK to close the window and add the data source.
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