ODBC Data Source
TimeXtender supports ODBC for retrieving data from a wide range of systems. Both application specific and a generic option is available.
Adding an ODBC Data Source
To add a new ODBC data source, follow the steps below:
- Open a business unit, right click Data Sources, click Data Sources and click Add Generic ODBC Data Source or Application specific ODBC followed by a click onthe system you want to connect to.
- In the Name field, type the name of the data source.
- In the System DSN list, select the Data Source Name.
- In the Escape Character list, select the escape character specific to your ODBC driver.
- The Text Type Behavior fields are used to control how the ODBC driver handles text. These fields are optional. You have the following options:
Option Definition Set Length Specifies an exact text string length Set Variable Length True, if you want a variable text string length Set Unicode True, if you want to use Unicode - In Set Number of Decimals, specify a fixed number of decimals. This field is optional.
Note: Convert out of range dates to MS SQL min/max is not available for Navision native databases. - Select Use low compatibility mode if you have trouble retrieving data from the database.
- In the Command Timeout field, specify the number of seconds to wait before terminating the attempt to connect to the database.
- In the Connection Timeout field, specify the number of seconds to wait before terminating the attempt to connect to the server.
- If you want to add additional connection strings, click the Additional Connection Properties button. In the Connection String Properties window, type the preferred connection strings, and then click OK.