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Error: "Error creating DTS package for [tablename] Cannot find folder "[folderpath]""

Note:  This is an old article, citing an issue with legacy systems or providers. Some troubleshooting tips may still be applicable to newer versions.  However, this article has not been tested with newer releases after 2016.


You receive this error message on deploy:

Error creating DTS package for [tablename]
Cannot find folder "[folderpath]"

This error can occur in the following scenario:


  • tX application
  • Integration Services


SQL Server default instance:

  • Other timeXtender databases
  • MSDB where SSIS packages are stored

SQL Server named instance:

  • Repository
  • Staging
  • DWH


In the timeXtender repository settings, staging and data warehouse, use the following settings:

Server: ServerB\namedinstance
SIS Server Name: ServerB

This will make sure that the SSIS packages are loaded from the correct instance of MSDB.

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