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Multiple parent-child dimensions in same cube (pdf)

Note:  This is an old article.  However, the troubleshooting tips may still apply to newer versions. 

There is a limitation in SSAS that causes unintended behavior, when multiple parent-child dimensions are added to the same cube in the following scenario:

  • More than one parent-child dimension is related to the same fact table.
  • The parent-child dimensions uses custom rollup and/or unary operators The custom rollup- and unary operator definitions from one dimension will also affect others.

The attached document describes how to solve this problem using scopes.

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    CalmCo Support

    I'm running into this as I'm trying to calculate different ratio's based on the same General Ledger (e.g. capital vs short term debt) and want to separate the ratio's in different dimensions for easier displaying in Targit. Basically it hangs the complete SQL server.

    Two questions:

    1. Is there more documentation on the many-to-many approach somewhere? Course material is very sparse on this and timeXtender documentation is rather poor...

    2. Is this solved in SQL 2012?

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    Kamil Karbowiak

    Great questions... awaiting some answers :)

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    Permanently deleted user

    Hi Wim Cos,

    I have just uploaded an example that shows how to resolve this issue using scoped assignments, which i feel is currently the only good solution to this issue. Please post here if you have any other suggestions on how to do it.

    I have not been able to find any indications that this should have been solved in SQL 2012. I think that it is quite obvious that the development team has been focusing 100 % on BISM Tabular, which is a shame for the multidimensional world.


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    Kamil Karbowiak

    Hi Tobias, will that new feature BISM Tabular be available in JDM/timextender ?

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