Release notes for the TimeXtender Portal for v. 20.10 or older at
Release 2022-02-22
- For partners, we've simplified extending a trial license. When you extend a trial, the new expiration date will always be 15 days in the future. #13480
Release 21.45 – 2021-11-09
- Partners now have a simplified way to add a new customer that will have a full license. Like the Add Trial page in the previous release, the new Add Customer is a one-page form that does away with most of the complexity of adding a new customer. #11420, #12250
- You can now create explicit sandbox environments for testing data sources and settings in a non-production environment. Scheduled tasks will not be executed in sandbox environments, but except for that, they work just like production environments. #11049
- The Compliance module has been retired. #11199
- For partners, the Environments list would be hidden for customers with an expired license. #12062
Release 21.38 – 2021-09-24
- We've redesigned the Home page to focus on your environments and projects in the Portal. The new interface is designed to be dynamic and to show you the things that are most relevant to you. The activity log that previously took up a big part of the Home page can now be found under Admin > Activities. #9915
- Partners have a whole new section of their own in the Portal - My Customers. We've taken everything related to managing customers, moved it here, and given it a fresh coat of paint. Features and functionality remain the same. #9903, #10493, #10494
- Partners now have a more streamlined way to add a prospective customer with a trial license in the form of a new one-page Add trial form. It's accessible directly from the front page of the My Customers section as well as the Customers page. The old Add customer wizard still exists for adding customers with a permanent license and customized permissions, as well as subordinate partners.
- We added a unique Portal ID number to all companies in the Portal. The intention is to create an unambiguous way of referring to a specific company in the Portal. #10535
- The requirements for extending a trial license have been simplified. As a partner, you can now extend a trial license as many times as you like without any special permissions. #11256
Release 21.35 – 2021-09-03
- You are now redirected to the sign-in form when you're not signed in. Previously, you would always have to click Sign In on the frontpage. #11287
- Tweaks to the design of the User Details and License Details pages. #10528, #10529
- Some 'Website' links where the URL included protocol (e.g. HTTP://) did not work correctly. #11064, #11460
- After changing a user's e-mail, the sign-in does not work before the new e-mail address is verified. For this reason, you are now signed out if you change your own e-mail. #10990
Release 21.33 – 2021-08-19
- ODX Repositories are now called Environments, a name that better explains the purpose. As a consequence of this change, the ODX Admin permission has been renamed Environment Admin. You can find you client secrets under Environments > Environments in the menu. #10232
Release 21.28 – 2021-07-14
- When you visit the Get Started page, a client secret is now generated for you automatically if you don't have one already. #10196
- The Move User modal now displays a loading spinner while a user is being moved. #10416
- User-level permissions are now always sorted by name. #10416
- On the Profile and Preferences page, added instructional text when social sign-in is disabled. #10416
- The Admin > Basic Info page has improved layout. #10416
- When you upload a logo, the maximum file size allowed - 500 KB - is displayed. #10416
- Search would sometimes not return the results you would expect because space characters were not removed from the beginning and end of the search phrase. #10335
- Pressing ESC with the Move User modal open would redirect you to /users/details/esc. #10416
Release 21.20 – 2021-05-21
- The TimeXtender User Portal is now simply called the TimeXtender Portal. #9853
- We've renamed My Company to Admin and restricted access to users with the Company Admin permission. This way, we hope to make it a bit clearer what the domain of the Company Admins versus regular users, thus simplifying things going forward. #9871, #9872
- We've made the ODX Admin permission more powerful. It is now required for all administrative features around repositories - add, edit, delete, regenerate secret. Other users can still see and copy the client secret. The purpose of this change is to give Company Admins more flexibility when assigning permissions. #9774
- A trial license is now valid for 15 days per default. Most partners have the permission to extend a license at least once for a total of 30 days. #10072
Release 21.17.1 – 2021-05-03
- We've improved the visibility around license termination - which is obviously mostly useful for partners. When a license is terminated, it now shows up as a distinct type in the Activities list. In addition to that, you can select a reason when you terminate a license. #9716
Release 21.17 – 2021-04-27
- User can now sign up for a trial license by going to This can be done by clicking Sign in and then clicking Sign up on the next screen. #9678
- New "Get Started" experience – Users with the Company Admin permission in organizations that have at least one license and no license has been activated yet, will now see a banner to take them to a Get Started page. Here the user can find links to training, software downloads and copy their license key. #9611
- We've increased the lifetime of your sign-in so you should see fewer prompts to sign in again.
Release 21.14 – 2021-04-09
- Organizations can now be of the type ’Managed Customer’. #9888
- When editing permissions on a user, adding a comment would disable the update button. #9761
- Certain license updates would not be logged. #9878
- Sometimes when adding a customer, default permissions would not be correctly set. #9992
Release 21.10.1 – 2021-03-15
- Under Activities on the License Details page, the portal would list a scary "license activation denied" item for each download of an offline activation file. These items should really just say "activation file downloaded" and are now filtered out as superfluous. #9847
Release 21.10 – 2021-03-11
- You can now delete an ODX project from the portal - but remember to shut down your ODX service first! To prevent accidents, you have to type the project name in to confirm. You'll need the new ODX Admin permission too. #9473
- To keep the user interface consistent, you now have to type the repository name to confirm that you want to delete it, just like when you use the new delete projects functionality. #9473, #9766
- Improved the error message when you can't add a license because the customer does not have a contact person. #9711
- Check boxes had disappeared from the Customers list, making merging two customer impossible. #9753
Release 21.07– 2021-02-18
- A company's first ODX repository is no longer created automatically when visiting the Customer Details page. #9460
- When your company was not allowed to grant the default permissions, trying to add a customer would result in an error. #9437
Release 21.04 – 2021-01-28
- You can now delete an ODX repository. This cannot be undone, so to prevent accidents, you have to write 'Delete' in the modal to confirm. Use with care! #8664
- You can add comments for the log when you add or edit an ODX repository. #9350
- We have "upgraded" the messages you see when you do not have the required license features for using the ODX functionality in the portal or do not have any ODX projects. The messages now contain useful links and are displayed on the ODX pages, not as pop-ups. #9125
- Customer Manager permission was, but should no be, required for downloading an activation file for licenses at your own company. #9463
- Trying to connect to the cloud repository with an IPv6 address would cause an unhandled exception in the repository service. This is now a handled exception, but you still cannot connect over IPv6 since we have yet to implement a solution that works around a limitation in Azure #9240
- The Compliance > Settings page required too many permissions. #9367
- Too many requests would be sent to the backend when changing your own permissions. #9354
Release 21.02.1 – 2021-01-12
- At customers without access to the ODX, a repository was created automatically when viewing the Customer Details page. #9408
- Issue with changing license key. #9357
Release 21.02 – 2021-01-11
- We've simplified user rights management by replacing the user roles - admin, user, reader - with two new permissions: Company Admin and Customer Manager. Company admins are all powerful within their own company - they can add and edit users, change basic information, add/edit repositories and more. In fact, they are so powerful, that they have a little crown icon next to their name in lists. Customer managers are just as powerful as company admins, but only in customer companies. The new permissions have been assigned to existing users as follows:
- Admin role (at partner) -> Company Admin + Customer Manager
- Admin role (at customer) -> Company Admin
- User role (at partner) -> Customer Manager
- User role (at customer) -> none
- Reader -> none
- The user created along with a new customer will have the Company Admin permission. If the new company is a partner, the user will also have the Customer Manager permission. #9340
- We have made the Company Admin permission "sticky", which means that you cannot remove it from your own user - you'll need help from another company admin in your organization. This helps ensure that each company always has at least one company admin. #9107
- When you move a user between companies, you can set the permissions the user should have at the destination. Previously, you could set the user role, so this feature is to maintain the status quo with the added bonus of being able to set other permissions. #9106
- Actions related to the repository - adding a new repository, generating a new client secret for a repository and editing a repository - are now logged just like changes to companies. If an ODX service have trouble connecting, for instance, this feature will make it easier to see if the client secret has been changed - and who might need to buy cake for the team! #8641
- You can now see which user and server IP has the lock on an ODX project. #8602
- The sign-in page has a new background, complete with a nice little animation. #9009
- The Help & Support page can now be found at a new URL: #9016
- Repository Add button was displayed for users that should not be able to see it. #9095
- Status of license would in some cases be displayed as "expired" on the Home page. #9097
Release 20.47.2 – 2020-11-27
- The Prospects card on the home page wasn't always displayed when it should be displayed. #9036
- The Users list was missing pagination controls. #9051
- The Contact your partner card had a layout issue. #9059
- Deleting a partner would update any deleted customers with the new partner. #9031
Release 20.47.1 – 2020-11-23
- You can now categorize data in all your repositories. Switch between repositories on the Compliance > Settings page. #8782
Release 20.47 – 2020-11-20
- We have reorganized the site to make a clearer distinction between the fairly static stuff and the things you are working on. The My Company page has been split in three - Basic info, Users, Licenses - and can now be found next to your name in the orange top navigation. Sign out has moved in under your name, which is now a menu with Profile & Preferences as the other option. Help & Support is a new page that combines links to useful help information with options to contact your partner. #7669
- Redesigned Home page with cards that give a quick overview of license and ODX status as well as, for partners, a list of their current prospects and a link for adding a new customer. #7912
- We have refreshed the visual design with a new font, lighter colors and the lotus flower loading animation you know from the TimeXtender application. #8799, #8836
- Partners can now add a preferred support channel that will be displayed for their customers in the portal. Find the setting on the My company > Basic info page. #7184
- With the appropriate permissions, an expired trial license can now be upgraded to a full license without extending the license first. #8674
- Trials can now be extended with just 7 days in addition to the 30, 60 and 90 day options previously available. #8763
- If there is only one action available on a license, e.g. Extend Trial, it will always be displayed as a button instead of the Actions menu. #7934
- On the Customer Details page, if you resumed the expired license for a customer with ODX, the ODX Repositories list didn't show up without a page refresh. #8482
- In some cases, it was possible to save a license change without changing anything except adding a comment. #8608
- On the Customers, Licenses and Users pages, you could get empty results when changing filters, since the pagination was not reset. #8670, #8671, 8688
- When you changed license edition, the Editions list would show HTML entities for some symbols (for instance, "&" became "&"). #8018
- On the Customers page, the Country filter could contain a country where no customers were located. #8617
- If you entered an invalid name in the Edit Customer modal, the error would say "invalid e-mail" instead of "invalid name". #8855
Release 20.42.1 – 2020-10-13
- A user with the role "user" was unable to add/edit an ODX repository. #8604
- When editing a user, the log would always list the user's permissions. #8626
- On the ODX > Projects page, the Status did not account for tasks that had never been executed. #8627
- On the My Customers > Licenses page, the Status filter included licenses with the status Trial that expired "today" when listing Expired licenses. #8628
Release 20.42 – 2020-10-12
- We have surfaced even more information about your ODX in the User Portal. On the ODX > Projects page, you can now see the aggregated status of the ODX as well as the latest activity. On the details page for each project, you can now see data storage name, type and description. And it doesn't stop there - for each data source, we have added the type of data source plus a count of the tables available on the data source. For each task, the duration of the last execution is also displayed. #8232, #8307, #8372
- We have added default permissions for new customers and users. If your company is allowed to grant them, some permissions will now be checked by default when adding new customers and users. The first default permissions are ODX Features on the company level and Compliance User on the user level. #8193, #8194
- The My Customers > Licenses page now uses the same aggregated license status in the list of licenses as the status displayed on the individual licenses. Instead of filtering by expiration date or maintenance expiration date status, you now use Active, (Active) Trial, Maintenance Expired, Expired. #7895
- To make permissions around the ODX simpler, we have renamed the Access Compliance permission to the more precise ODX Features. This permission gives a company access to everything ODX. We have also removed the Access ODX permission that did not give access to the Compliance Module.
- We have added a warning to the Move User modal - "When you move a user, previous activities will no longer be visible in their activity log". #5942
- Loading the list of customers on the My Customers > Customers page is now faster. #8496
- In a company without a contact person, you were unable to set one. #8053
- Customer merges and deletes were missing from the user's activity log. #8183
- You could connect to the ODX even when your license had expired.
- On the My Customers > Customers page, the customers were sorted by the contact person's created date - which is usually, but not always, the same as the company's created date. #8495
- On the My Customers > Customers page, the Supplier filter listed companies without any customers. #8501
Release 20.38.1 – 2020-09-22
- Removed "Administration Access" user-level permission left over from testing. #8405
Release 20.38 – 2020-09-18
- We have surfaced more information about your ODX in the User Portal. You can now see a list of your ODX projects on the ODX > Projects page. On the details page for each project, data sources and tasks, including the time and status of the last execution, are listed. The list of repositories and associated client secrets can now be found on the ODX > Repositories page. #1355, #7642, #8187
- The ODX is now available for OEM licenses with the required license features. #8134
- Users with the user role reader could not see the Show button that shows an ODX client secret. #8143
- ODX repositories were not assigned correctly when merging two companies.
Note: After a merge, only the client secrets belonging to the continuing company will work. Other secrets must be be regenerated. #8182 - ODX repositories would be listed even when the license giving access to ODX was expired. #8302
Release 20.36.1 – 2020-09-02
- When adding permissions to a customer, the "can grant" property was not correctly taken into account. #8142
Release 20.36 – 2020-09-01
- A company can now have a sandbox ODX repository in addition to a production repository. ODX repositories are displayed in a list and an additional repository can be added by clicking "Add". A repository can also be named when an ODX Server has created it. This happens when you connect with the associated client secret. The number of repositories is controlled by a license feature. #7640
- Admins can now grant specific users access to the Compliance Module. This is the first step towards a more refined permissions system on the user level. If you move a user from one company to another, they lose all their permissions. #7983
- You can now change the e-mail address you - or one of your users - use to sign in with. #5883, #7646
- Your company's permissions are now listed on the My Company page. #7768
- The tree on the User Details page was not updated after moving the user. #6495
- On the License Details page, the activation log would show all activations as valid. #6553
- A link in the password change e-mail did not point to the User Portal as you would expect from the name. #6579
- Actions column was sometimes displayed even if no actions were available. #6822
- The "Choose new contact person" list would show HTML entities. #6943
- Empty Assigned Permissions list would not always show "-" as it should. #6993
- On the License Details page, expanders would be missing in the tree view for some companies. #7015
- Actions would be listed on the License Features list for users without the appropriate permission. #7029
- When a user deleted a company, it was not listed in the activity log on their User Details page. #7229
- Getting a list of ODX projects in the Compliance module would sometimes time out. #7330
- When listing permissions for a partner, deleted customers was taking into account, meaning that some permissions could not be removed. #7766
- A trial license could not be terminated. #7860
- The menu would in some cases show links to pages that the signed-in user did not have access to. #7785, #7890
- On entries for a user being moved, the activity log would link to the user's previous company with no regard for the hierarchy. #7857
Release 20.28 – 2020-07-10
- You could not download an activation file for a license if the required license feature was part of a feature package. #7777
Release 20.26 – 2020-06-26
- A loading spinner has been added to the Make Contact Person action to make the portal more responsive. #7533
- ODX secret card would not be updated correctly when switching between customers. #7046
- When moving a user, the user's current company was available as a destination. #7531
- Sign-ins would expire after a short time, requiring you to sign in more often than necessary. #7532
- The log entries added when a user is made a contact person would link to users even if they hade been deleted. #7534
Release 20.24 – 2020-06-08
- You can now upload PDF documents to licenses (assuming your company has the right permissions). This way, all information about a license, including e.g. contracts, can be stored in one place. #6655
- A compliance category that was in use could not be deleted. #6685
- Resetting a license edition would remove features added by a QuickCube project. #7069
- A user that had been moved would be unable to sign in. #7342
- Linking a social sign-in would redirect you back to the wrong URL. #7264
Release 20.18.1 – 2020-04-30
- The check for whether or not a license has a specific feature was too strict, which prevented adding a license feature when it should actually be possible. #7061
Release 20.18 – 2020-04-28
- Licenses are now displayed in individual cards containing basic information and license status (trial, active, expired). The layout is optimized for a single license per company, since it is by far the most common scenario. Expiration dates are not displayed unless they are different from "indefinite". The new design should give you a better overview of your own or your customers' licenses. #4210, #4224, #6214
- If you have the appropriate permissions, you can now choose the edition when adding a new license, i.e. licenses don't have to be added as trials and then upgraded. #2965
- Extending a trial license, upgrading a trial license, changing license edition, changing license key, changing the maintenance date, terminating/resuming a license (i.e. changing the expiration date) are now separate "actions" you can take on a license, depending on your permissions. The "classic" Edit License modal, that could be cumbersome to use, is available for users with extensive permissions for "advanced" editing of a license. #4225-4230, #4233, #4251
- A deleted company could "own" a license, in which case a license could look like it belonged to more than one company. #6685
- Downloading an offline activation file required the admin user role, even when the license belonged to a customer. #6660
- Adding a customer with a street address of less than three characters would give a server-side validation error. #6855
Release 20.17 – 2020-04-22
- Data flow information was missing from Compliance report. #6973
Release 20.12 – 2020-03-20
- It was not possible to add a license feature without a comment. #6682
Release 20.11 – 2020-03-11
- When you change company contact information, the changes are now reflected in the license information in the Discovery Hub application. #1831
- You can now find your own user information on the user profile page at #3190
- If you cannot remember your password, it can now be reset on the page #3346
- You now change the contact person in the Users list or on the User Details page, not when you edit your company. #2174
- In the Actions column on lists, the actions are now represented by icons to make them more compact. #5797
- On the data source level in the Compliance module, the logic behind the Category filter has been improved to have better performance. #6218
- The logic for redirecting you after you have updated a license has been improved. #6230
- All whitespace input was allowed in some fields. #6236
- Styling details in the Compliance module. #6253
- It was possible to click Edit on the Customer Details page before the required data had been loaded. #6421
- On the Customer Details page, data was loaded multiple times. #6422
Release 20.07 – 2020-02-14
- Settings for the compliance report can now be saved, so that you don't have to set up the report from scratch every time you want to generate a new report. #3874
- The compliance report is now generated asynchronously, which means that you do not need to stay on the page and wait for the report to be ready for download. #5694
- Compliance categories on the column level are now visible on the table level as indeterminate check boxes. #4789
- When you filter tables on compliance categories, the filter now takes categories on the column level into account. #4788
- You can now delete a compliance category that is in use. #4783
- A button is now available for clearing all table-level compliance categories from a table. #4814
- Columns are now paginated in the Compliance module. #4793
- When you navigate from the data source level to a table and back again, the system will now remember what page of the tables list you were on. #4796
- If you try to move a company with no valid destinations, a message is displayed instead of the Move modal. #3457
- You can now add a maximum of 10 compliance categories, since the user interface cannot handle an unlimited amount of categories. #4779
- Clicking a check box to add/remove a compliance category on the column level now always respects the state in your browser. #4790
- Spaces are trimmed from the beginning and end of a name when saving a compliance category. #4777
- In Categorize modals, compliance categories was not sorted by name. #4791
- In the Compliance Module, table names in the tree that were too long would disappear under the columns list. #4792
- In the ODX Projects list on the Compliance Settings page, the checkbox was not hooked up. #6122
- Fixes to compliance report generation when loading columns and creating document index. #6211, #6225
- On Edit License, the Editions list was not sorted by name. #5769
- On the License Details page, in very rare cases, the wrong company would be shown as the owner of a license. #5811
- On the License Details page, the Download Activation File button only appear after af refresh when the Manual Activation feature had been added to the license. #5882
- On the License Details page, the Features list would not update after changing the edition of the license. #5546
- On the License Details page, Edit Feature would not allow you to save if the value was 'Unlimited'. #6048
- Edit Company would fail if the company did not have users. #6049
- A user could be moved to the company he was already in. #6004
- Small UI fixes. #6132, #6143, #6234
Release 20.03 – 2020-01-16
- It is now possible to move a user from one organization to another. Unless you move a user up in the hierarchy of companies, the users' old activities will not be visible for his new organization. #1829
- Actions, such as edit, delete and move, has been added to the rows on the Customers, Licenses, User and Categories (Compliance Module) lists. If you want to e.g. edit a user, you can simply click the action button. Previously, you had to first select the user and then click a button in the header of the list. #5686, #5688-5690
- The 'Can grant to customers' column is now hidden on the Permissions page in the Add Customer flow if the customer being added cannot have customers.
- An automated test framework now tests each build of the portal to make sure that the main flows still work. This way, we can use less time on testing and more time on making useful features. #5426
- When a company is deleted, all its licenses are now set to be expired. #5374
- On the Company page, the wrong postal code would be displayed and could not be changed by editing the company. #3445
- In the Features list on licenses, selecting 'All' in the 'x per page' drop-down would show an empty list. #5503
- An issue with license logic prevented download of activation files for licenses with QuickCube features. #5659
- '&' would be displayed as the HTML entity (&) in some dropdowns. #5672, #5707
- Organizations list on the Users page was not sorted alphabetically. #5673
- On the Customers Details page, edits to the customer would only show up in the Activities list after a page refresh. #5676
- The logic that calculates valid new parents when moving a company did not correctly take permissions into account. #5678, #5679
- The list of software versions in the Download Activation File modal has been pruned to remove test and development versions. #5728
- When you edited a license, an unnecessary 'Missing permission to edit date'-error would be displayed. #5765
- The portal now loads the correct amount of features on the License Details page and remembers the 'x per page' setting across different licenses. #5809
- When you edited Products and Permissions, changes in the "Can grant to customers" column would not enable the Update button. #5824
Release 19.50 – 2019-12-13
- The Add License modal is opened after you have added a customer to let you quickly add a license to the new customer. You can clear a check box on the last page of the Add Customer wizard if you do not want to add a license. #3542
- You can now download offline activation files for you customer's licenses. Requires the manual activation license feature on the license and the 'Download Activation File' permission. #4211
- Each customer now has an activity log similar to the logs on users and licenses. #3321
- When you add a new user, you can choose to sent him/her an invitation e-mail. #3270
- Update buttons are now disabled if you have not made any changes in an Edit modal. #2919
- Handling of unauthenticated requests has been improved. You are now consistently logged out if you run into an unauthenticated request, e.g. when your session has timed out. #5457
- List of countries has been updated to match ISO 3166. #5321
- You will now see an error message when you try to sign in with an e-mail address that has not been verified. #5460
- In the activity log, links to deleted licenses are now displayed as such. #5323
- In the activity log, entries for activation file downloads now links to the license in question. #5608
- If you try to access a deleted license, you will now correctly get a 404 error. #4396
- On the Licenses page, licenses can now be sorted by Maintenance Date. #4440
- On the License Details page, null values in dates are now handled in the Activities list. #5294
- On the License Details page, selecting 'All' in the "per page" drop-down on the Activities list now works. #5324
- On the License Details page, the Features list is now correctly updated when navigating between licenses. #5316
- On the License Details page, the text in the Reset to Edition modal now more correctly explains the associated list of features. #5267
- On the User Details page, the "per page" drop-down on the Activities list is now correctly reset when you navigate to another user. #4592
- On the Latest Activities/home page, sorting by Date now correctly sorts all items, not just the first page of results. #5343
- In the Add Customer wizard, the Supplier list is now ordered alphabetically. #5421
- Link to logo image has been changed to remove "mixed content" warning from sign-in page. #5336
- You can now edit old "timeXtender 4.5" licenses. #5510
- Cookie size has been reduced to prevent problem with too large cookies preventing sign-in. #5456
- Fixed issue that prevented download of offline activation file for some licenses. #5590
- Fixed error getting license activities. #5375
Release 19.47 – 2019-11-23
- New version with upgraded frameworks.
- Sign-in has been completely overhauled. Users will now always have a username and password sign-in and can choose to add option to sign-in with a Microsoft and/or Google account.
- Add/edit of companies, users and licenses now use modals instead of pages. "Add Company" is implemented as a wizard that only lists the relevant options. #3541
- As a partner, you can now see your customers' ODX secrets. #1098
- Dates are now displayed in local time with the detected timezone listed where applicable. All dates are saved in UTC. #2670, #4410
- When a license key is displayed, you can now click the key to bring up an option for copying it to the clipboard. #3398
- Changes to license features are now logged. #183
- When changing license keys, the key can now be entered in uppercase. #4298
- A new 'Access ODX' permission has been added that allow a company to access ODX, but not the Compliance module. #1110
Release 19.10.1 – 2019-03-04
- Offline activation file could not be downloaded if the license had been used to download CubeStore projects.
- An ODX secret could not be generated when using an ODX repository newer than the current production version.
Release 18.43.1 – 2018-10-22
- Compliance: Generation of documentation PDF would fail. #B1261
Release 18.18.1 – 2018-05-04
- With the appropriate permission, you can now download an offline activation file from the portal. With this file, you can activate Discovery Hub without an Internet connection. #L00010
- The loading spinner, that was shown instead of the confirmation button on the Delete Customers modal while it loaded, has been removed. Instead, the confirmation button is disabled until the modal is done loading. #B00102
- Validation rules for names, phone numbers etc. are now stored centrality to improve consistency and ease of maintenance. #F00061
- Improved permission handling for deleting agreements. #F00043
- Improved permission handling for API controllers. #F00057
- If a table had the exact amount of items specified in the "per page" list, you could click Next in the pagination bar even though there were no more items. #B00156
- Validation on the Website box on Add Customer page did not allow "new" long TLDs. #B00147
- Validation of phone numbers was too restrictive on the Sign Up for Trial page. #B00146
- Validation caused errors in the console on the Add Customer page. #B00157
- Edit license page loaded twice. #B00138
- License of the legacy type 'partner' could not be made permanent. #B00091
Release 18.15.1 – 2018-04-13
- You would get redirected to a list page after editing instead of the previous page. #B00110
- Website text box did not allow newer, longer TLDs. #B00137
- City text box did not allow ü and similar characters. #B00100
- Layout did not look correctly when the screen width was bellow 992 pixels. #B00131
- Edit Company page would redirect to the Page Not Found page if reloaded. #B00128
- Extending a trial license did not set maintenance expiration date. #B00135
- When updating a license type, expiration data and maintenance expiration date at the same time, the dates would not be saved. #B00130
- The License Details page would redirect to the Unauthorized page if two licenses existed with the same code, even when one of the licenses was marked as deleted. #B00114
- Redirect would fail when adding license to own company. #B00115
- Some products did not have a trial edition. #B00136
- Add/Edit User page showed a parse error in console. #B00073, #B00085
- It was possible to access the Customer Details page and move you own company. #B00140
- Selecting and deselecting rows would remove them from the list in the Compliance module. #B00143
- Bulk categorization did not properly update columns in the Compliance module. #B00144
Release 18.12.2 – 2018-03-22
- Session timed out too quickly. #B00124
- Misc. smaller fixes. #B00120 - B00122, #B00125 - B00127
Release 18.12.1 – 2018-03-21
- Date picker button was not disabled if the user did not have permission to change the date. #B00117
- Adding a license to a company with missing information would silently fail. #B00111
- Searching for a feature would also apply to features listed in feature packages. #B00118
- Adding a feature to a license could prevent activation of the license. #B00119
Release 18.11.1 – 2018-03-16
- License maintenance expiration date can now be changed. It requires the "edit expiration dates" permission. #L00039
- License features can be customized to add e.g. extra data sources. It requires the "customize license features" permission. #L00052
- Angular and Bootstrap frameworks has been upgraded to the latest versions. #L00044 - L00046
- About 3000 lines of unused CSS has been removed which should make initial load a tiny bit faster. #F00019
- Logic for checking user rights has been refactored and hardened. #F00039, #F00045
- Date input was using wrong CSS in some forms. #B00106
- Filtering did not work on agreements. #B00109
- Merge of multiple companies would fail. #B00107
- Merges was not logged correctly. #B00108
- Issue with checking user rights. #B00019
Release 18.05.1 – 2018-02-02
- Customers can now be merged. In a merge, all users, licenses and agreements are moved to the continuing company. Assigned permissions and products are not part of the merge. #L00036
- All JavaScript code is now bundled for better performance. #F00022
- The dash ("-") that indicates missing data was not displayed for all properties on all pages. #B00062
- The e-mail validation on the sign-in page used the wrong error message. #B00090
- The validity of the CAPTCHA on the trial sign-up page was not checked server side. #B00034
- The trial sign-up form could be submitted without filling in all fields. #F00049
- Title was missing from frontpage. #B00093
- Misc. security issues. #F00034 - F00038
Release 17.50.1 – 2017-12-15
- Replaced the date picker with a version that allows you to type in a date in addition to selecting it.
- New URL structure that gives each page a more meaningful URL.
- On agreements, PDFs now open in the browser instead of triggering a download.
- The tree view on the customer details page did not display properly.
- Content for filters was loaded twice on Licenses, Agreements and User pages.
- Validation messages on the sign-in page had typos.
Release 17.47.2 – 2017-11-23
- Maintenance Expiration date is now displayed on the Licenses lists on the Licenses, Customers and Company pages.
- Ability to filter on Expiration Date and Maintenance Expiration Date on the Licenses page.
- Logo can be removed from company or customer.
- License Activity list and Activity list on the home page can be sorted by date.
- Changing dates on the Activities list on the home page didn't show a spinner to let the user know it's loading when changing dates.
- "Unable to load page data" error displayed when selecting "All" in the "per page" dropdown for users.
- Fixed some loading logic to avoid loading a list more than once. This should result in a small performance boost on the Company, Customers, Licenses and Users pages.