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Configure an On-Prem Application Server & Storage

Note: There is an updated version of this article, which applies to the next generation of TimeXtender.

This guide will walk you through the steps that are unique to Configure Your Own Server. If you are interested in a cloud-based deployment or to continue with the remaining configuration steps, please navigate to the overall guide: Configure your TimeXtender Environment

Follow the below steps to configure an On-Prem Applicaiton Server. 

  1. Choose and Deploy the desired Server Configuration
  2. Configure User Accounts & Permissions
  3. Configure the Firewall
  4. Install & Configure TimeXtender ODX Server & Desktop Client

Choose and Deploy the desired Server Configuration

You have multiple options regarding server configuration depending on where you wish to house the TimeXtender application, Services, and SQL Server databases.

Consolidated BI Server

TimeXtender services and SQL Server databases are all installed on the same windows server.    This setup is easier to maintain and offers some performance advantages due to zero network latency.

Separate Application and Database Servers 

TimeXtender services are installed on an "Application" server and the SQL Databases are stored on a separate "Database" server.  This setup can mitigate risk be ensuring additional applications aren't installed and users don't need to sign in to the database server. 

Hardware Configuration

There are no minimum hardware requirements for TimeXtender beyond that which is required by Microsoft SQL Server. Analytics environments can be drastically different from one organization to the next and performance can be impacted by any number of factors. Because of this we highly recommend you conduct your own testing and/or obtain an expert recommendation from a qualified professional. With this in mind, below are some general guidelines for optimal performance of TimeXtender

Server Hard Disk 64-bit CPU Ram
Application Server 256 GB SSD 4 core 16GB
    Greater Than 1TB of Source Data 256 GB SSD 4 core 32GB
Database Server 1 TB SSD 8 core 32GB
    Greater Than 1TB of Source Data 25 TB SSD 16 core  64GB

Note: When creating your databases in SQL Server always be sure to place the data and log files on SEPARATE disks drives. Placing them on the same disk can create contention between the files resulting in poor performance. Placing them on separate disks means that they can be written to simultaneously ensuring optimal IO throughput. 

Configure User Accounts & Permissions

For TimeXtender and its services to run properly, you must first Configure User Accounts & Permissions

Configure the Firewall

Configure the Firewall on the Application server with the Required Firewall Rules

Install & Configure ODX Server

Download, Install, & Configure the ODX Server on your Production Application Server. 

Install & Configure TimeXtender Desktop

Download, Install & Configure the TimeXtender Desktop Application. If all machines are running within the same physical or virtual network, the desktop application can be installed on a user client machine. Otherwise, the desktop application should be installed and used directly on the Application Server. 

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  • 0

    This article seems to be incomplete. 

    The sentence at the beginning is incomplete: 
    "When deploying on-premises there are 4 steps that you must accomplish before continuing on with the......"

    Also, there's supposed to be 4 steps, but there's only 2 that are mentioned. :)

  • 0

    The link that's connected to the first step works, but the link connected to the second step doesn't really do anything. 

    Just so you know. ;) 

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