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TimeXtender Technical Support Process

At TimeXtender we take a great deal of pride in our software and work hard to ensure every customer is thrilled with the speed, ease, and effectiveness of our solution. Because of this, we always strive to provide effective technical support to TimeXtender customers in a professional, timely manner. We also believe that solution integration partners have a much deeper understanding of client needs than a vendor. This is why we maintain a through-partner approach in all our client engagements including our Technical Support Process.

  1. Support Tiers
    1. Level 1
    2. Level 2
    3. Level 3
  2. Support Request Guidelines
  3. Technical Support Eligibility

Support Tiers


Level 1

Initial support requests should direction to the customer's assigned partner. Customers can find their partner's support contact information in our portal here. Level 1 Support should save all information submitted and when possible, respond and resolve the request. We ask that all partners provide TimeXtender with a preferred method for receiving support requests and direct their clients accordingly.

If we receive the initial request and determine it is best handled by the partner, we will re-direct the client to submit the request to the partner using the Partner's preferred method. 

If Level 1 Support is unable to resolve the request, you shall escalate the request to Level 2 using the Support Request Guidelines outlined below.

Level 2

Level 2 Support is provided by the partner’s dedicated Solution Specialist from TimeXtender.

Where possible, Level 2 Support will provide a resolution to the request/error and solve the request.

If unable to do so, Level 2 Support reproduces the request/error and documents the steps taken. Level 2 will escalate the error to Level 3 through a support ticket.

Level 3

Level 3 Support is provided by the TimeXtender Product Support Team and is only to be used when Level 1 and Level 2 Support have fully investigated the request/error.

In escalating a request to Level 3, Level 2 Support is required to document and test the request/error with the smallest possible test case and provide a written description of the bug found.

Level 3 Support will apply best efforts to run the test case and determine the cause. If this approach is unsuccessful, the Product Support Team will evaluate the collected data, may request additional data and recommend a course of action.

Support Request Guidelines

We attempt to document all common issues and errors encountered by users of TimeXtender. Prior to submitting a support ticket, we encourage everyone to first search our support portal for a documented solution. 

If no documented solution is available, you may submit your ticket by sending an email to: support@TimeXtender.com and include the dedicated TX Solution Specialist in the CC line.

The ticket should include the following:

  • A description of the issue, how you got the error, ideally including reproduction steps.
  • Error message text (not a screenshot, but the text) of any relevant error messages.
  • Screenshots of the application where the error occurred (if necessary). 
  • A screenshot of the "About TimeXtender" Dialogue found in the Help menu of the application. 
  • List of related software & versions such as SQL Server, SSAS, SSIS, Azure SQL DB etc. 

Technical Product Support Eligibility

Product Support is available at no charge to all licensed TimeXtender customers who have active Software Assurance. However, there are some topics which are considered outside the scope of traditional product support. 

The role of TimeXtender product support is to ensure the product is behaving as outlined in the product User Guide and if it is not, take the appropriate steps to resolve the issue. However, at times it can be difficult to determine if a certain topic is covered under Product Support or not. Below are some general guidelines to help you determine if your situation is covered by Product Support.

If your topic fits any of the below criteria, then it is likely covered by Product Support:

  • The Product is not behaving as outlined in the User Guide or other TimeXtender material.
  • You are receiving an unexpected error or notification in the product which you are unable to find a solution.
  • You are unable to install or configure the software, even though you meet all the prerequisites and have followed the configuration guidelines.
  • If requested to send files or if you have images and files larger than 5MB you want to add. You need to send the files compressed in the zip format only.

However, the below topics are typically NOT covered by Product Support:

  • How to implement a data model.
  • How to resolve or improve a poor design
  • How to write or fix issues with custom code such as T-SQL, SSIS, DAX, MDX. 
  • Design or integration with 3rd party solutions such as scheduling or visualization tools.

For help in these areas, you may consult the following resources:

Consultative advice involves the design and implementation of a TimeXtender solution and often requires thorough requirements gathering, planning, and validation that is outside the scope of TimeXtender Product Support. Typically we rely on our partner network to provide this type of service to our clients. Please get in touch with the TimeXtender partner team at Partner@TimeXtender.com if you would like to learn more. 

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