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What is a Data Staging Area?

Note: There is an updated version of this article, which applies to the next generation of TimeXtender.

When using a Business Unit

A data staging area is a temporary storage area between the data sources and a data warehouse.

The staging area is mainly used to quickly extract data from its data sources, minimizing the impact of the sources.

After data has been loaded into the staging area, the staging area is used to combine data from multiple data sources, transformations, validations, data cleansing. Data is often transformed into a star schema prior to loading a data warehouse.Get_a_demo_banner_-_for_Support_portal.jpg

In TimeXtender, a Business Unit has a Staging Database to store data extracted from sources. There is a 1:1 relationship between staging databases and business units. To have multiple staging areas you must have multiple business units. You need at least one business unit within a project, thus you will always have at least one staging area.

In TimeXtender you cannot load directly between data sources and a data warehouse.

When using an ODX Server

The ODX server stores the data read from the Data Sources into a Data Lake or SQL storage. 

A data staging area (DSA) is a optional storage area between the ODX and an MDW data warehouse. 

After data has been loaded into the staging area, the staging area is used to combine data from multiple data sources, transformations, validations, data cleansing. Data is often transformed and de-normalized before loading into an MDW data warehouse. 

The usage of a DSA is optional.  It is just a way of keeping the data warehouse clean without any business logic on the tables inside the data warehouse. 

In TimeXtender you can load directly between ODX and a data warehouse. 



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  • 0
    Mark Chinsky

    There was an article or video explaining why TimeXtender now recommends a DSA in the Datawarehouse area, in addition to a staging database and putting all your etl in the DSA instead of in the staging area.  Older content on the site doesn't show this.  Now I can't find it to save my life.

    Do you have a link or video that explains why you want to keep your ETL out of the initial Staging area?  I believe it makes it alot easier to change your source.

    Edited by Mark Chinsky
  • 0
    Joseph Treadwell

    Hi Mark, 


    I think you may be referring to this video in the online training:


    Fast forward to 1:00. 

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