/* This script queries tables from the Timextender Project Repository and returns releveant execution information that might otherwise be hard to find. - This query pulls stats about both the Execution Package and the individule steps contained in the package, therefore, the package details may be repeated multiple times. Row Counts & Throughput: - When "Log Row Counts" is enabled in your execution package, this script also returns [Raw Rows Processed] and [Rows Per Minute] allowing you to review data processing speed. - Be careful when aggregating these fields as [Raw Rows Processed] shows the same number of rows for each step, this could potentially exagerate your results when summing. Further Analysis & Use Cases: - You may also consider embedding this query into a Database View, allowing you to more easily query or aggregate this data (just be sure to remove the ORDER BY clause at the end). - Finally, you could also embed this query as a PowerBI data source to create powerful visualizations on this data (just be sure to remove the ORDER BY clause at the end). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Use [projectRepository] --<<< Insert Project Repository Database Name HERE! GO SELECT TOP 1000 [ProjectName] = projects.Name ,[PackageName] = pkg.ExecutionPackageName ,[BatchId] ,[Package Status] = (CASE pkg.EndStatus WHEN 1 THEN 'Failed' WHEN 0 THEN 'Successful' ELSE 'Unknown/Running' END) ,[Package Start] = pkg.[Start] ,[Package End] = pkg.[End] ,[Package Runtime(Min)] = (CAST(DATEDIFF(MS,pkg.Start,ISNULL(pkg.[End],GETDATE()))AS decimal(18,2))/60000) ,[ExecutionMessage] ,[Object Name] = stp.ObjectName ,[Step Type] = (CASE stp.StepId WHEN 'D5A3F05A-E587-4F3A-9C5A-FECF123F1C20' THEN 'Count Rows' WHEN '07460371-2717-45AE-B9A6-F14E92FBCC74' THEN 'Data Cleansing' WHEN '845DD0FE-36A5-484D-AAF8-138AA0DAFEE4' THEN 'Data Transfer' WHEN 'F613DA8F-AAB6-4E92-82CA-776DC8630D35' THEN 'Execute Multidimensional Cube' WHEN '0D126BDA-FE6B-4479-8F86-70861DF10100' THEN 'Execute Dimension' WHEN '59CD1D88-D1CF-41D4-93FC-E7870EBE63F5' THEN 'Fill Aggregate Table' WHEN '4D5E28A8-2E3D-49AE-AB10-72E5D900C4A7' THEN 'Fill Custom Data' WHEN '14B23436-0624-4E1A-8666-2E5A1A4F2959' THEN 'Fill Data Export Table' WHEN '0D337FC1-2077-43F5-85B0-03BA9559F148' THEN 'Fill Date Table' WHEN 'E594E933-6059-4D9A-9A99-1386FF2D1D2D' THEN 'Fill Hierarchy Table' WHEN 'F77750D1-6F71-4DAB-A16E-1751C770B587' THEN 'Fill Junk Dimension' WHEN '10784A92-D256-4098-B634-1D0E85ADF7A2' THEN 'Table Insert' WHEN '54CB45BD-87E7-49C6-8749-B8CA6CE0D56A' THEN 'Add Related Records' WHEN 'A6A919B3-FBF3-4FDF-8B63-37A086D831FB' THEN 'Execute Tabular Endpoint' ELSE 'Custom' END) ,[Step Status] = (CASE stp.EndStatus WHEN 1 THEN 'Failed' WHEN 0 THEN 'Successful' ELSE 'Unknown/Running' END) ,[Step Start] = stp.[Start] ,[Step End] = stp.[End] ,[Step Runtime(Min)] = (CAST(DATEDIFF(MS,stp.Start,ISNULL(stp.[End],GETDATE()))AS decimal(18,2))/60000) ,[Raw Rows Processed] = ISNULL([RawRows].[BigIntValue],0) ,[Rows Per Minute] = (CASE DATEDIFF(MS,stp.Start,ISNULL(stp.[End],GETDATE())) WHEN 0 THEN NULL ELSE CAST([RawRows].[BigIntValue] / (CAST(DATEDIFF(MS,stp.Start,ISNULL(stp.[End],GETDATE()))AS decimal(18,2))/60000) AS decimal(18,0)) END) FROM [ExecutionPackageLogDetails] stp LEFT JOIN [ExecutionPackageLogs] pkg ON pkg.ExecutionId = stp.ExecutionId LEFT JOIN [Projects] ON pkg.ProjectId = projects.ProjectId AND projects.ValidTo=99999999 LEFT JOIN [LogRowCounts] [RawRows] ON stp.ExecutionId = RawRows.ExecutionId AND stp.ObjectId = RawRows.ParentId AND RawRows.type = 2 /* ---- Example WHERE clause below, un-comment to use ---- WHERE pkg.ExecutionPackageName = 'Default' --Enter Package Name Here AND projects.Name = 'Timextender' --Enter Project Name Here */ ORDER BY stp.[Start] DESC